Order Of Service (The Master Mix) Music Director Leon McCarthy


The Order Of Service.  The music was chosen by Leon's family to represent him, they decided it would not be right to play hymns which did not show off how much of a big person he was or his exceptional personality.


Title - Artist

  Official Homepage


We Will Rock You - Queen We decided on We Will Rock You as the first track.  A statement about a personality who touched peoples lives.



Like A Pill - Pink This song came on the radio as Linda and her daughter Tara were travelling home after visiting Leon at the funeral home.  They were talking about what songs should be used and were stuck on what track should be used as the second track at the funeral.  As if by magic or guidance the record came on, and even though we had heard the song many times, it was as if we were really hearing the words for the first time.  They agreed that this song should be played.  Leon loved Pink and had been to see her in concert earlier in the year.  He often played her CD.  Her music was also played in the funeral home.  The words of this song reflect many aspects of Leon's life.  He would often be left lying safely on the floor when he was not well.  He had to have pills to control certain aspects of his disability and other pills to counteract the effect of those pills.  He had also spent some time the previous year on a life support machine.  I think this track shows that Leon knew more about life and death than we ever will.     



Angel Of Harlem - U2 Soulful, sad, happy, emotional.  Leon really was an angel living in a dangerous world. Homepage


During the service Leon's family asked people to talk about Leon and after a brief opening from the Pastor,  Leon's father,  Joe read a poem and his Uncle Donald gave a eulogy.  No one knew what Donald was going to say and again as if by magic he mentioned Bob Marley and Three Little Birds how fitting that the next track in the service was Three Little Birds


Three Little Birds - Bob Marley & The Wailers  This may seem a strange one to play at a funeral but I think this was as much for the congregation as it was for Leon.  We all needed to know that there was nothing to worry about and that everything would be alright. Homepage
Leon's Head Teacher from Ash Lea School spoke of Leon's vitality his big smiling eyes.  She spoke of the opportunity she had had in attending a school trip which allowed her to see Leon at his very best.  The school trip allowed the pupils to experience everything from abseiling down a rock face, canoeing, blindfold trails, night walking as well as other outward bound things.  She mentioned that Leon was always first in the queue for just about everything and how she made the instructor check and triple check the fastenings on Leon's straps as he prepared to descend the rock face.  How he laughed every inch of the way down!


Get Up, StandUp - Bob Marley & The Wailers A fitting song again speaking of Leon's bravery throughout his life. Homepage
Alison Lister gave the final eulogy. She spoke on behalf of Linda, Leon's mother.  A powerful eulogy which cannot be summarised here.


Something Inside So Strong - Labi Siffri A Powerful anthem of a struggle for equal rights and freedom.  Leon and his fellow pupils at Derrymount school along with their form tutor Mo Tyler performed this song at a school assembly and on the day Leon left Derrymount School. No Site Yet
The eulogies and poems are posted on this web site click the Funeral link to see what has been written about this wonderful young man.

As the people whom Leon knew started to leave the Church, almost all filed past him to say good by.  The children unafraid, full of life swished his hair and said good bye.  Leon's young lady Tammy went with Charlotte(his 'step sister') past the casket to pay her respects.

7 Riding With The King - B.B. King & Eric Clapton Leon liked music with great guitar rifts and powerful voices.  Leon insisted on playing this song the night before her died.  How prophetic when you hear the line "Tonight everyone's getting their angel wings".  Did he know or is this a coincidence that we hold on to to give us comfort?  Words of a song spring forth with meaning when they need to and this song is no exception. B.B. King

Eric Clapton

8 Beautiful Day - U2 The song is the mood, the feeling. Every day was a beautiful day around Leon.    This day was the most uplifting experience I have ever felt. Homepage
9 Funk On A Roll - James Brown Godfather of Soul. Leon's hero.  This track came from a CD which was given to him personally by James Brown at the V99 Concert.. Homepage
10 Who Wants To Live Forever - Queen Sombre but fitting Homepage


11 One - U2 (Bonus Track) This track was added after the funeral, it fits because it just does. Homepage



As I put the music together in Leon's bedroom I did it as if I were in a trance, grieving like the rest of the family.  Not quite myself but still on a mission to get it right. In total there were about 15 songs chosen, but it was the order in which they were chosen which speaks volumes The songs that were taken out, left these tracks, and with the exception of a couple, in the order in which you see them now. The music director for both these CD's is Leon McCarthy and I know he had a helping hand in the making of this music.

Complied by Bill Broom